
Thursday, December 6, 2007


The city can be a busy place. For the amount of noise and confusion that can be found on a city block, I sometimes find it most peaceful. I get the weirdest thoughts at the strangest times. As my mind wonders aimlessly, I approach a crosswalk at an intersection. A car pulls in to the intersection and stops half way through the crosswalk. Clearly this lady is in the middle of the crosswalk causing me to have to walk around her Toyota Camry to get through the crosswalk. I got around the car and back onto the sidewalk then started to ponder, “Why do drivers stop directly in the middle of the crosswalk?” Maybe they are saying something about themselves without even saying a word at all. Maybe they are telling the world that they often cross the lines or maybe their view of the line is blurred so they cannot make the distinction between what is the line and what is not. Keep in mind that this is not some crazy new finding listed in the latest Scientific Journal but just my own personal observation. I don’t always pay attention to what’s in front of me when I drive. I find myself stopping in the middle of the crosswalk from time to time. Yes I do cross the line in my personal and business lives too. Do I go overboard? Am I “over-the-top”? Am I out of control? Yes, all the time. The downside to that sort of behavior is that it can injure or potentially kill anyone that is in the crosswalk during my time of approach. Not to mention the fact that I put everyone that is down with me in jeopardy as well. Therefore, I have resolved in keeping myself behind the line and out of the crosswalks for my safety and your own. I will try to work on my impulsive obsessive compulsive behavior. Be forewarned that some of the responsibility lays on you, the pedestrian. If you are in the crosswalk and you see me coming with no clear signs of slowing my approach, move your azz.

-Your Public Safety Announcer

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