
Saturday, October 13, 2007

A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed

T’was such a beautiful day on this day, Wednesday July 11th in the year of our Lord, two thousand and seven. I decided to take a stroll up the ever so popular Georgia Ave in the northwest section of Washington, DC. I had my mind and taste buds ready for a McDonald’s “Sweet Tea”. I can’t front son, their sweet tea is the best product ever conjured up by the powers that be at Mickey D’s. After enjoying my well deserved sweet tea and exiting the spot, I was damn near tackled by a squad of vagrants, each saying, “Do you have any spare change?!!” My first reaction was to get mad but then something magical happened. I began to think about making the world a better place one person at a time. What ever happened to being my brother’s keeper? Where's my sense of decency? Have we fallen that far away from the tree as a society? I began to feel empowered. It sparked a sense of pride deep down within my soul that rocked the very foundation of my being. I immediately thought to myself, “Panama, who would you rather deal with? Seeing a man that put his hands in your pockets one time or the man that has his hands in your pockets everyday that you cannot see?” Being the wise man that I am, I calmly turned to my fellow mankind and said, “No thank you, my friends…I already have spare change.”

-Your friendly neighbourhood P*A*N*A*M*A

What have I learned from my experience you ask? I have learned that I can’t be supportin’ no grown-ass street folk. I have kids to feed.

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