
Monday, December 10, 2007

Man Up, Girlfriend.

Ok, here's the deal...I just received the following email from a lady friend of mine. Uh, you may not know this but I hate "MALE MUSH" emails. What's a male mush email? Well, it's some pro-WOMAN relationship manifesto in the form of an email or story that's conjured and written by a MAN. And yes, it's soooo gay. Now, he does make some very valid points in this message. I just think that it's lame because he didn't accompany it with a version for MEN about WOMEN. Below is a list of the things that he wrote in this "Declaration of Independence" with my own thoughts behind it.

"IF A MAN WANTS YOU" by some guy

-If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. (Except a gun)

-If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay. (Except a gun)

-Stop making excuses for a man and his behavior. (If he's smart, he can make his own excuses)

-Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from heartache. (And future dates)

-Stop trying to change yourselves for a relationship that's not meant to be. (As opposed to acting like the same jerk you have been for a relationship that is meant to be)

-Slower is better. (If you are falling off a bridge or building)

-Never live your life for a man before you find what makes you truly happy. (***Note, living your life for your man is what makes him happy. Anything else would be so selfish***)

-If a relationship ends because the man was not treating you as you deserve then heck no, you can't "be friends." A friend wouldn't mistreat a friend. (You remember what Chuckie from Child's Play did to friends that crossed him don't you? That's my case and point)

-Don't settle. If you feel like he is stringing you along, then he probably is. (Stringing you along is a lot nicer than kickin' your ass for speculating)

-Don't stay because you think "it will get better." You'll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not better. (And things are bound to get better once you start to cough up your part of the rent)

-The only person you can control in a relationship is you. (And you can't quite seem to control yourself so the relationship is pretty much a crap shoot)

-Avoid men who've got a bunch of children by a bunch of different women. He didn't marry them when he got them pregnant, why would he treat you any differently? (Hey, Flavor Flav did it and he got three seasons on VH1 to prove that theory wrong)

-Always have your own set of friends separate from his. (Besides, your friends are hoes)

-Maintain boundaries in how a guy treats you. (As long as you don't put those boundaries in the bed)

-If something bothers you, speak up. (Or forever hold your peace. Don't bring shyt up a month later. All expressed warranties are null and void)

-Never let a man know everything. He will use it against you later. (That's just a nice way to say, "Shut the fuck up" from time to time)

-You cannot change a man's behavior. Change comes from within. (So does diarrhea)

-Don't EVER make him feel he is more important than you are...even if he has more education or in a better job. Do not make him into a quasi-god. He is a man, nothing more nothing less. (And after that, just kick him square in the nuts while you got him on the ground, why don't you!)

-Never let a man define who you are. (Instead, let Webster's define what you are. Look up the word "annoying")

-Never borrow someone else's man. Oh Lord! If he cheated with you, he'll cheat on you. (Just buy a man of your own)

-A man will only treat you the way you ALLOW him to treat you. (Good thing you have no say so in this matter. Whew! I was afraid we'd have to break up the band)

-All men are NOT dogs. (Some of us like to monkey around)

-You should not be the one doing all the bending...compromise is a two-way street. (It's my way or the highway. Your over-confidence is your ticket to a one-way, dead end street)

-You need time to heal between relationships...there is nothing cute about baggage... deal with your issues before pursuing a new relationship. (Unless'n you are on the rebound from a relationship you just got out of. In that case, who needs healin'? You needs lovin!)

-You should never look for someone to COMPLETE you...a relationship consists of two WHOLE individuals...look for someone complimentary...not supplementary. (I think he's telling you to go on a diet. Read between the lines)

-Dating is fun...even if he doesn't turn out to be Mr. Right. (Wrong, dating is a total waste of time and the tax payer's dollars)

-Make him miss you sometimes...when a man always know where you are, and your always readily available to him- he takes it for granted. (Imagine if McDonald's subscribed to that same philosophy...smh)

-Don't fully commit to a man who doesn't give you everything that you need. (Just commit to him when either of you is in need of sexual favors. Fair enough?)

-Keep him in your radar but get to know others. (Always have your next targeted victim in your sites. Remember...No Women, No Children)

Share this with other ladies..... You'll make someone SMILE, another
RETHINK her choices, and another woman PREPARE.

They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate
them, a day to love them and an entire lifetime to forget them.
Pass this on to at least 10 woman and 5 men.


(I got the hint...Tyler Perry must have written this)

-Your Hetero-Hero, the Manly Man, the Panly Pan

***Don't get offended and walk around with your panties in a bunch. This was all done in fun, sheesh***

Disclaimer: The Corsa Group does not necessarily agree or approve of the content displayed in this particular blog. The expressed views are those of the writer and not CORSA or it's affiliates. Panama is a liar and he really believes everything that HE wrote.

Thursday, December 6, 2007


The city can be a busy place. For the amount of noise and confusion that can be found on a city block, I sometimes find it most peaceful. I get the weirdest thoughts at the strangest times. As my mind wonders aimlessly, I approach a crosswalk at an intersection. A car pulls in to the intersection and stops half way through the crosswalk. Clearly this lady is in the middle of the crosswalk causing me to have to walk around her Toyota Camry to get through the crosswalk. I got around the car and back onto the sidewalk then started to ponder, “Why do drivers stop directly in the middle of the crosswalk?” Maybe they are saying something about themselves without even saying a word at all. Maybe they are telling the world that they often cross the lines or maybe their view of the line is blurred so they cannot make the distinction between what is the line and what is not. Keep in mind that this is not some crazy new finding listed in the latest Scientific Journal but just my own personal observation. I don’t always pay attention to what’s in front of me when I drive. I find myself stopping in the middle of the crosswalk from time to time. Yes I do cross the line in my personal and business lives too. Do I go overboard? Am I “over-the-top”? Am I out of control? Yes, all the time. The downside to that sort of behavior is that it can injure or potentially kill anyone that is in the crosswalk during my time of approach. Not to mention the fact that I put everyone that is down with me in jeopardy as well. Therefore, I have resolved in keeping myself behind the line and out of the crosswalks for my safety and your own. I will try to work on my impulsive obsessive compulsive behavior. Be forewarned that some of the responsibility lays on you, the pedestrian. If you are in the crosswalk and you see me coming with no clear signs of slowing my approach, move your azz.

-Your Public Safety Announcer

Sunday, December 2, 2007

10-year ban for popping a wheelie in Miami

South Florida has a motorcycle problem, and lawmakers are introducing legislation to show bikers that they'll go a long way to punish those who break the rules. Stunt riding (including wheelies), excessive speeding, and concealable license plates will get you a 10 year ban on your motorcycle license, mandatory jail time, and an impounded bike. If the punishment sounds like the medieval practice of cutting off the hand of a man for stealing, that's exactly how State Representative Carlos Lopez-Cantera wants it.

Lopez-Cantera witnessed firsthand a variety of incidents during which reckless behavior was on display, including bikers flying down the highway at 120 mph, high speed wheelies, and more. Police officers can't even run plates since bikers will often flip them up to avoid detection, and it's very difficult to catch a motorcycle on the open road with a squad car. It's disappointing to see that things have apparently gotten so out of hand in South Florida that draconian enforcement policies are being seriously discussed.

Looks like we won't be going to Miami anymore.. Well, there's always Atlanta!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Rootie Tootie

Doesn't today just seem like one of "those" days? I had a full night ahead of me but my day was pretty free at that particular moment. "Maybe I'll go to Macy's to kill some time.", I thought to myself. You know, Macy's is such a happy place. They have employees running around and it always seems so, so festive! Macy's has everything that you could possibly want for yourself in one convenient spot. I'm in the children's section admiring the fact that they now carry The North Face coats for kids. My daughter has one already so I was thinking about getting one for my eldest son. While I stood there pondering the cost of the coat and the amount of currency that was left in my pockets, I see this kid that looks to be about five or six years old walking by with a tootie in his mouth. You don't know what a tootie is? A "Tootie" is just a cute little make-believe fantasy word for PACIFIER. What the hell is a kid that big still doing with a pacifier? The kid looked like he was enjoying it. Like he needed it and it needed him. I can't imagine what it's doing to his breath or his teeth. This is a bad habit to start your children off with. If you are not careful, the pacifier can easily be transformed from necessary to a necessary "evil". For those of you trying to deal with the problem of getting your 6, 10, or 15 year old off the toot, I've come up with something that just might be right up your alley!...BEHOLD...

The Fruity Rootie Tootie

Hey gang, great news...We accept food stamps and certified 24k gold fronts as payment!

WARNING: The fruity rooty tootie herein referred to as the FRT may cause severe internal bleeding, nausea, dry mouth, dry hands, heat flashes, night sweats, chills, uncontrollable public unrination, violent mood swings, sudden weight loss, rage equal to the virus in the movies 28 days and 28 weeks later, hallucinations that your dead ancestors often appear and visit you for brunch (your treat), irritation of the vaginal area, heart rate increases, delusions, above normal flatulence, bleeding nipples, red eyes, pussing, or the strange feeling that your asshole is on fire as if you shytt'd a molten lava brick. If any of these symptoms persist, please consult a physician.


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Re-InVintage de Classico!!!

Khris and I had to make a run up to our storage facility. We stopped by a coffee house so he could get something to drink. We talked about ‘this, that, and the other thing’ until we were buckled up in his van and on our merry way. Khris says to me, “Dude, I just bought another bike.” I’m looking at him in shock. Khris hadn’t had a bike in a while and although I am in between bikes myself, I’m happy that one of us had a ride. Obviously, I am anxious to find out what he’d spend a grip on so I asked him, “What’dya get?” He says, “I bought a café racer”. Ok, I knew what a café racer was. I just wanted to know his reasoning for purchasing a bike like that. He says, “I have it parked in the back of my crib. You wanna check it out?” Is that a trick question? “Hell yea I want to check it out.” So we drive through an alley on Capitol Hill and pulled into his drive port. When I saw the bike, I immediately thought, “Damn, I’ve gotta get one of these”. But before I would make a move I wanted to know what was the reasoning behind purchasing a café racer rather than, say a Yamaha R1 or Suzuki GSXR 1000. We spoke about it and exchanged notes and thoughts. I’m going to buy a café racer soon. This is our reasoning…

That style of bike is historic. British and Japanese Café racers, Vintage Racers, Rockers and Tonup bikes are what the bad bays back in the day use to ride before people were riding choppers. They were built for one rider. People use to race them on the street and dirt tracks. More importantly, it’s not the type of bike that you see every single day. You can buy a gixxer 1000 and put $5,000 to $10,000 dollars worth of custom parts to it but it’s still going to be a gixxer 1000. It’s the same bike that everyone and their momma had. No matter how you fix it up, it’s still not unique. Now don’t get it twisted, I still want both the R1 and the Gixxer 1000 in my arsenal. I just think that having a different style of bike is a welcome addition. CORSA is going to get into vintage styled clothing. Khris said that when he rides the bike around Capitol Hill, the older white dudes are pointing at him and giving him the thumbs up. It’s nostalgic to them. Perhaps some remember riding a similar bike when they were younger. Maybe memories of leather jackets, white t-shirts, boots, Marlboro or Camel cigarettes start to resurface. Whatever the case may be, you’ll see me this upcoming summer cruising the area from time to time in my racer. I wouldn’t define my new style as "Retro". I’d say its more like "Retro-Active".


Khris' Yamaha Cafe Racer

For more information about Cafe Racers, Check out these sites...

Seeing is Believing?

"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. ? We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift." - A. Einstein

This has to be the best illusion ever created.

If you look at the above images from your seat in front of the computer, Mr. Angry is on the left, and Ms.Calm is on the right.

Get up from your seat, and move back 12 feet, and PRESTO!! They switch places!!!


It is said this illusion was created by Phillippe G.Schyns and Aude Oliva of the University of Glasgow.

Does this prove that we sometimes may not be seeing what's actually there? or you still fried from drinking the hooch late last night?

Worst List According To Panama

I just read the list of "Worst Lyricists" According to Blender Magazine. This is what they came up with...

1. Sting
2. Neil Peart
3. Scott Stapp
4. Noel Gallagher
5. Dan Fogelberg
6. Tom Marshall
7. Paul Stanley
8. Dianne Warren
9. Donovan
10. Jim Morrison
11. Larry Henley & Jeff Silbar
12. David Crosby
13. Pete Gabriel, Mike Rutherford, Tony Banks, Steve Hackett & Phil Collins
14. Will.I.Am
15. Bernie Taupin
16. Ben Gibbard
17. Jon Anderson
18. Ian Anderson
19. Queensyche
20. Ryan Ross
21. Alanis Morisette
22. Jon Bon Jovi
23. Robert Plant
24. Fred Durst
25. KRS-One
26. Simon Le Bon
27. Will Jennings
28. Greg Graffin
29. Timbaland
30. Kevin Federline
31. Carli Simon
32. Matisyahu
33. Diddy
34. Henry Rollins
35. Dashboard Confessional
36. Common
37. Bryan Adams
38. Paul McCartney
39. Billy Corgan
40. Anthony Kiedis

Now we can sorta understand having, Diddy, Timbaland, Fred Durst, and Dan Fogelberg on the list. But Common? Alanis Morisette, Sting, Phil Collins and KRS One???!!! Someone over there needs to not only be slapped, but they need to be slapped SILLY and have the floppy disk version of Windows 95 'rectumly' installed...All 15 of them...One by one.

-Not so MicroSOFT!!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

BIG PUN-ishment!!!!

Ok, this is SOOO wrong in SOOOO many ways and on SOOOO many levels. I honestly don't know what to say. When this came across my desk all I could think was, "DAMN, who is standing behind the camera taking this picture for her? And more importantly, who in the hell is she sending it to?" Did the person behind the camera suggest that she open the 'gates of hell' when she took that pic like, "Yea baby. Spread em like that." (snaps picture and looks at camera screen) "Oh hell yea, hell yea. That's the money shot right there!!!". As if the weight alone doesn't pose enough of a heath risk, she's smoking too, WHILE leaning back in that frail ass computer chair. The chair looks like it's thinking, "Fuck! I can't hold you up like this very long. Stop playin' around Quasinda...Alleyoop!" I dare not post her "sexy" pics, you know, lingerie and shyt. Never let it be said that I didn't take a bullet for the team. I spared you all from a fate far worse than Christmas fruit cake.

Ok, enough jokes. I'm seriously trying to keep my McDonald's Filet-O-Fish from swimming upstream. I wanna puke...So if you'll excuse me...(shoving employees out the way as I make a mad dash for the bathroom to embrace my porcelain girlfriend)

"I assure you, Sir, there are no lights at the end of that tunnel"

-Louis and Clark

I Love My Hair

Here's an entry from the blog of one of my closest friends, Angie Brooks. I thought it was quite interesting and sends a positive message. Enjoy!!!

I’ve never imagined how my life would be without my hair. I’ve been blessed with an ever-shedding super thick mane that could potentially represent the most expensive “revitalize and volumize your hair” shampoo on the market – without the product. I had gotten so busy with life not realizing how long my hair had grown, but the Florida heat soon reminded me. I always felt like my hair was a mess while it was long, but people would constantly comment on how beautiful and healthy it looked. Little did they know how hard it was to get a good night’s rest without adjusting my hair with every toss and turn, how much shampoo and conditioner I went through, and how much time I spent flat-ironing, curling, twisting, flipping, gelling and moussing my hair. Well, it finally got unbearable last week. I made an appointment with Aimee and told her it was time to chop it off. As I sat in the chair other stylists were walking by saying, “Your hair is so beautiful, you shouldn’t cut it off.” Easy to say when they all had ear to shoulder length hair. As Aimee put my hair in a ponytail I could sense her hesitation as if she was giving me one last chance to change my mind. Nope, chop it off! She gasped as I breathed a sigh of relief. I mean, geez, it wasn’t like I asked her to pull the razor out. Free at last, free at last! It was amazing how liberated I felt, and it wasn’t because I had just gotten out of a bad relationship or had some major life-altering change, I was just ready.

The most gratifying feeling came after the cut – I get to donate my hair! I can’t even express in words or writing the overwhelming joy I have inside just knowing that my 12.5 inch pony tail is going to change the life of a child who really needs it. I am sure that she/he will enjoy all of the things I complained about…and that is LOVE.


Notice the hair is still long even after the cut. It's Pantene!

The Locks of Love Organization
The Being Angie Brooks Blog

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Taste The Rainbow

Dig it, we are working with a new graphic artist/re-toucher by the name of Mandy Strong. I won't tell you where I found her but I will tell you that she is insane with Photoshop. I know my way around PScs2 but I really dig her style. She's going to be "popping" our pics for the new CORSA website showroom and pics from upcoming shoots. Here is a sample of what you can expect to see. Here's a before and after picture...Notice how the colors just "POP" off the screen? Kind of makes you want a skittle, doesn't it?

-Panama The Skittles Whore

You can check out Mandy's style by going to:

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Science NON-Fiction

The Klingon Warrior. Strong, brave, ritualistic in their conquest for galactic supremecy. The Vulcan People. Wise, devout, and thirsty for knowledge. There are those of us who believe that space men/women walk amongst we humans. I believe that Klingons and Vulcans are real. No? Can you actually tell the difference between the fake Klingon from Star Trek and the "REAL" Klingon? Have you seen a Vulcan in person? I have sources that have sighted this type of humanoid outside of the Star Trek conventions. We have conclusive evidence in the form of pictures that proves our theory correct. I've studied these pictures and I remain baffled. I cannot tell which one is real and which are fake. I'm looking over the DNA samples as we speak. I've lost many a night's sleep over this issue. The evidence is mind-boggling.

Pictures of the Klingon and Vulcan female provided by FBI sketch artist

Honestly folks, I dare you to try and find the real Klingons/Vulcans.








"UN-Honorable Mention"

All 6 have had both Civil and Criminal suits brought up against them by Revlon and MAC for malicous and heinous abuse of their products. The charges for #2, #4, #6 have been reduced to just De-facing property, however they will still serve life without eyebrows.

Monday, October 29, 2007

CORSA...Better Protection than a Trojan

We were at a trade show in NYC. Yes, CORSA does the trade shows. A guy walks up and shows us his jacket. It looked like he was in an accident. Turns out that he had been hit by a car and knocked into a barrier, slid for several hundred feet, and only broke his ankle. Here's the kicker...The CORSA jacket protected him so well that his "MOM" made him come to the Convention Center, find the CORSA booth, and buy another one. We bought the old jacket from him and gave him a discount on a new jacket. Now, you try and take a fall like that wearing just a condom.


Sunday, October 28, 2007

High As "Shyt"

New Drug- “JENKEM”…On 09/19/07 Cpl. Disarro received an email from a concerned parent regarding a new drug called “Jenkem”. The parent advised their child learned about this drug through various conversations with several student at Palmetto Ridge High.

Jenkem originated in Africa and other third world countries by fermenting raw sewage to create a gas which is inhaled to achieve a high. Jenkem is now a popular drug in American Schools.

Jenkem is a homemade substance which consists of fecal matter and urine. The fecal matter and urine are placed in a bottle or jar and covered most commonly with a balloon. The container is then placed in a sunny area for several hours or days until fermented. The contents of the container will separate and release a gas, which is captured in the balloon. Inhaling the gas is said to have a euphoric high similar to ingesting cocaine but with strong hallucinations of times past.

Once ingested the onset of the high takes approximately 10 seconds with the most severe hallucinations happening in approximately 20 minutes. Several articles indicate that the subject immediately passes out after ingesting the gas then regains a magical/hallucinogenic state within seconds of regaining consciousness. The high has been described by subjects as a feeling of “being out of it” and talking to dead people. The feeling of being “out of it” may last for several hours or days. All subjects who used the Jenkem disliked the taste of sewage in their mouth and the fact that the taste continued for several days.

Slang terms: Winnie, Shit, Runners, Fruit from Crack Pipe, Leroy Jenkems, Might, Butthash, and Waste.

Chocolate Yoohoo is known to have the same effect.


Friday, October 26, 2007

Food For Thought

Decisions are made by people who have time, not people who have talent. Talented people are busy fixing the problems made by people who have time...Think about it.

-Crabby Patty

Thursday, October 25, 2007

I'm Gonna Get You "SUCKA"

OK I’ll admit, it was cute when you were like, 6 months old, but as a teen or a full grown, tax paying adult it has to be one of the grossest thing I have yet to see. It’s worse than chronic in-traffic gold digging. It’s sucking on your nasty ass thumb. Some say it’s caused by insecurities while others blame the parents for letting the habit form. Bucked teeth, foreskin fingers, and bad breath are just some of the physical side effects of this addiction. The social side effects would be name calling, long stares, finger pointing, snickering/laughing, and perhaps the occasional ass kicking.

Whatever the case may be, it’s totally not cute. It makes you wonder though. In today’s society people are making “bad habits” and “stupid things” that are not too cute, cute. Smoking cigarettes is not cute. It’s a nasty habit just like sucking your thumb. Who knows? Maybe sucking your thumb will be as popular as smoking a cigarette one day, for all we know. There’d be magazine ads with gorgeous women sucking their thumbs in the club and holding a drink. Joe Camel ads would have a camel sucking on a human thumb (picture that). Music videos would have thugs putting up signs with one hand and sucking a finger on the other hand. Giving someone “the finger” wouldn't be so profane. It would bring around responses like, “No thank you, I don’t suck” or better yet, “No thank you, I’m already up to two thumbs a day. I’m trying to quit. After all, sucking has been proven to be habit forming”.


*** Mental Note***

Did you know sucking someone's thumb while they are simultaneously sucking on their other thumb would be considered second hand sucking? I think Nicorette makes a "patch" for that too.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Rainman Commeth (Speaking with Ken Abbott)

Here's a conversation that I had with Ken Abbott a couple of years ago. I met Ken when he was working for Clear Channel. He'd just become the General Manager over Team Jordan Motorsports (Michael Jordan's Race Team) and invited us down to Daytona for bikeweek. I had a chance to hang out with MJ, Ken, the rest of team Jordan, and Bullystyle Racing that weekend. It was all love. As much as things have changed, some things stay the same. I decided to post this interview so people could feel what we were thinking a few years back and see if there has been any change since then.

Chit Chatting with Ken “Rainman” Abbott...

[Panama] I’ve mentioned your name to various people within this industry and they all seem to know who you are. That can be a bad thing for some folk but for you, it’s all been good…Just like the raisin toast they make at The Waffle House!!!
[Panama] How long have you been involved in the motorcycle industry and what have you accomplished so far?
[Rainman] Since 1987. I heard about motorcycle races at a local race track outside near Winchester VA, only an hour from my house at the time. I went first as a spectator, then I started working with the Mid-Atlantic Road Racing Club (MARRC). While working with the club on motorcycle race weekends, I also started attending advanced riding schools like Pridmore's STAR School. I started racing at the end of 1987, and continued until 1997. That 10 year period included regional and national racing with CCS, WERA, and AMA Pro competition.

Within that time frame I also helped coach several riders based on my rider education with Pridmore and other professional racers like Randy Renfrow, David Sadowski, Wes Cooley, and Kurt Hall. Acting as a team or personal rider manager, we collaborated to win over 50 Regional Championships (in 2 different regions), and almost 20 CCS and WERA National Championships. I also acted as a sponsor coordinator for the teams that I worked with.

Within that 10 year span I also had the opportunity to sit on the MARRC Board of Directors which has helped establish the safety standards for motorcycle safety procedures since the early 80s. For a period of time when I was injured, I made a transition where I announced events for CCS, WERA, and AMA. I raced on and off through that time as well, but liked the idea of coming home with money in my wallet, instead of spending it all on tires. In 1994 I also started working with Dunlop Tires at select AMA Pro rounds.

In 1998 I started working for Dunlop - Race Tire Service full time and moved from the Washington DC area to Nashville, TN. Working from Nashville, I helped manage the business as the Regional Manager of Trackside Operations. We ran all of the East Coast AMA Pro tire testing, AMA Pro race support, as well as CCS and WERA regional race support programs. We supplied tires for about 50 events per year, as well as helped with the testing and development programs.

From there, I met my future wife and moved to Indianapolis to be closer to her... still working for Dunlop, but relinquished my office and warehouse duties. In January of 2000 I accepted a job with (then) PACE Motorsports in Fort Worth, Texas to manage their newly purchased Formula USA National Road Race Series. (PACE later became SFX Sports Group, and finally Clear Channel Entertainment - Motorsports).

With the Formula USA and CCS program - we have built the program (which started as an East Coast based racing program) into the largest motorcycle racing series in North America and maybe the World. We now operate in 10 regions of the U.S. from coast to coast and operate over 80 events per year from New Hampshire, to West Virginia, Virginia, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Nevada, Arizona, California, and adding more. We have grown in double digits each year and expect to have almost 6000 licensed racers by the end of 2005. We have also added Sport Rider (Track) Days to almost every event catering to street riders. This program introduces street riders to the safe environment of the race track and introduces them to our race program and instructors that can help them with their riding.

[Panama] What do you want to accomplish with the sport in the future?
[Rainman] Hard to say... I have learned a lot in my time... and would like to continue to contribute. I really want to bring another Moto GP event to the United States (maybe Road America in Wisconsin). The Elkhart Lake facility is so cool, and has a ton of room, over 650 acres. Large enough to host all Moto GP teams, have a concert, a Supermoto race, Freestyle MX, Street Freestyle shows, accommodate camping, with great on-site restaurants, etc. It is such a great facility, and I would love to see the World's largest motorcycle racing event come to the Mid-West region.

I really want to help riders make a living at this sport. Television and licensing revenue, sponsorship programs, connecting outside industry corporations with the motorcycle industry and helping the sport grow to more mainstream recognition. That would be a good goal to accomplish.

[Panama] I know right?!!! We need to bring big money and big players into this game.

[Panama] Well tell me, what happens in the typical "Ken Abbott" day? If I were, YOU, what would I be doing tomorrow?
[Rainman] It all depends on the week. What's going on? Preparing for a Formula USA event, I try to spend time with my family knowing that I am going on the road again... but normally I am sending press releases, working with the facilities and local media sources to insure coverage of our event and media presence. Then packing all of my files to attend the show, working the media, press and rider relations for 4 days... a non-stop feeding frenzy normally. Then back home to see the family and download all of our notes and data from the event, and prepare for the next one.

With Jordan team related weekends, it is the same except that I am also helping to coordinate the hospitality and catering, security, and special promotions for Montez Stewart. The effect that Jordan has had on the World is very inspiring. It is a very exciting time to watch an athlete of his stature enjoy something so much and be a real fan of a sport that I love as well. He is a truly huge enthusiast and it's exciting to watch him at the events. He really has a good time.

[Panama] True. I am noticing more celebrities and athletes catching the ole’ motorcycle fever. I mean, what can you say? It’s a very hot sport right now and duh, all the cool kids are doing it mom!

[Panama] How are you involved with Clear Channel and how did that come about?
[Rainman] Bill Syfan, who I worked with at Dunlop, had accepted a position as Director of Road Race Competition at PACE, and brought me out to Texas for an interview with Mike Kidd (VP Operations at the time). They hired me on the spot as their Nat'l Road Race Manager, and I reported for work February 1st 2000. I moved away from Angi (future wife) for about 4 months and had rented a little loft apartment at the TCU campus in Fort Worth while there. At the time that I started, our first event was only 28 days away to be held at Daytona Speedway (Bike Week)... so we literally had only 24 days to build a successful professional racing series. We amazed the industry when we announced our program and presented it at Daytona. The races were so competitive! We could not have had a better debut. There were about 10 riders fighting for the lead in each class for 20 laps. Some of the best racing that I have ever seen. The key was matching horsepower and weight limits for each class... not mechanical advantage; it all came down to the rider. The format for our racing is still the same, and still provides some of the best racing in North America.

[Panama] What is your involvement and role with Michael Jordan’s race team?
[Rainman] The Jordan team is an SFX / Clear Channel thing. Jordan is one of our SFX Sports clients. (SFX Sports Group manages a large number of pro athletes in the NBA, NFL, NHL, MLB, Olympic athletes, etc.) Jordan decided that he wanted to be involved in racing with his friend Montez Stewart. His management office contacted Clear Channel Worldwide for support, through The Synergy Group, the Motorsports Department was introduced to Jordan to help consult on the project and I was assigned as a consultant to Jordan and the team, and to help coordinate the effort. With a great deal of industry support, we again pulled off the near impossible by building a team in less than 4 weeks to debut at Daytona Speedway for Bike Week 2004.
[Panama] That was a Jedi move right there. The force was with you. I know because I felt a disturbance.

[Panama] What do you think needs to happen to make stunt riding a legitimate sport, or
at least legitimate enough for the X-Games?
[Rainman] X-Games / Gravity Games... they are all the same, just different promoters and networks. The sport has to first be recognized as an "organized", "sanctioned", series of events; Something that will also bring television ratings. Think about it. The X-Games isn't about giving X-Treme sports an opportunity to shine... it's about TV ratings. They only highlight sports that get good TV ratings. So let's make an argument that shows how and/or why MotoFreestyle / Street Freestyle is appealing enough to get good TV ratings.

It certainly isn't the professional image of the bikes, teams, riders, or competition areas. It isn't because of the beautiful settings of the competition facilities. It isn't because of the large corporate appeal or support of sponsorships that would be turned into advertising revenue. So why? Because it's cool? Cool doesn't always translate into TV revenue and ratings. Because a very small demographic of people, within the very small percentage of motorcycle owners, which is a very small percentage of the primetime TV audience want to perform at the X-Games / Gravity Games? Because they think that they deserve it? Why?

The riders / teams in the Moto Freestyle industry have not listened to me/us over the past 3 years when we tell them that the industry will not support the sport until the safety issues are dealt with. Riders need to wear helmets, leathers and boots. They complain because they are too cumbersome, so is a body cast. They complain because they can't slide back and forth on the tank and seat with leather pants, but don't think about how difficult it will be to slide in and out of a wheel chair if they don't get serious about their personal safety. They complain because road race (type) boots are not flexible enough to do their tricks, but somehow a cast from a broken ankle is appealing. They don't make sense. It's like the dumb no helmet law arguments that argue (quote)" That helmets cause whiplash when a riders head hits the pavement at high speed." How much sense does that make? Your head either hits the ground with or without a helmet... which would you choose?

Look... I have had crashes in my 10 year race career. Everything from a 10 mph street crash, to a 140 mph high-side at Daytona Speedway. Regardless of marks on my helmet, leathers, or damage to my bike... I am glad that I had on the highest level of safety equipment that I could afford at the time. Good helmets, leathers, boots, back protectors, gloves, etc... Why not? There is no good reason.

I have even tried to reason with them and compromise. We have always insisted on helmets and leather jackets, not too much resistance there, but instead of wearing leather pants (to match jackets) we allowed riders to use full knee/shin guard protection under their blue jeans. This would at least protect their knees and possible tibia breaks on impact. It still doesn't protect their ass, but so be it. We have seen riders cut a foot open with sharp rectangle scrape bars, lower back (spine) abrasions, and so on. Boots and at least a MX kidney belt would prevent most of these accidents. It's too simple... but they all think that they know best.

If and/or when we include riders in our scheduled shows in 2005, we will mandate specialized motorcycle boots above the ankle, knee/shin guards if not leather pants, jackets, helmets, gloves, as well as back protectors. No safety gear, no riding. Period. We have a few cool things coming up in 2005. I am working with the Gravity Games (AST) Action Sports Tour, 5 rounds of Gravity Games, as well as several shows that will include XSBA Moto Freestyle shows with Freestyle Moto-Cross. These shows will mandate the proper safety gear. You want in? You play by our rules... same as XSBA has been in the past.

Once everyone accepts and follows our safety standards, plays by the rules, cleans up their acts, and starts acting professional... then we can start looking at legitimacy in the Motorsports market. Until then... it's going to remain an enhancement for local drag strip shows.

[Panama] I hope that people catch on because we really need to organize this sport. There is no organization when everybody is doing their own thing. Stunting on the streets to NO audience is for the birds, yo. No organization means no big sponsorship and no big prize money.
[Panama] So what are some of the problems that you have encountered with stunt riders as a
whole, that seem to be holding them back from mainstream stardom?
[Rainman] Attitude would be first on my list. Everyone thinks that they know best because they have been riding for 3 years. Normally, stunt riding is all that some of these guys know about motorcycle industry. They don't know about road racing, they don't know how it all works, and they think that because they won the "Longest Coaster" Contest at Stuntfest, that they "deserve" sponsorship opportunities in the industry.

Let's put this in perspective again using professional road racing as a comparison. We have the AMA Pro series where there has been a consistent TV package on SPEED TV and other networks for dozens of years. We have AMA Pro riders and teams who cannot obtain sponsors who are finishing in the top 5 at AMA Pro national events and currently sit in the top 5 in AMA Pro Superbike point standings... in the highest level of motorcycle racing in the World next to Supercross, World Superbike, and Moto GP. This is the top level of motorcycle competition in North America! But for some reason, the guy who wins Del's Wheelie competition "deserves" sponsorship. This is the real world attitude in the Moto Freestyle industry.

We need to understand where this sport is at, and what role it needs to take for the moment. Right now, it needs to be a professionally run enhancement at larger Motorsports events so that it can gain mainstream recognition and make the transition when the motorcycle industry allows it to do so. If the riders focused on a more professional attitude, wearing the proper safety gear, and cut the attitude... the whole sport would be better off. That... or give me $1 million. I will have it mainstream and successful within about 4 weeks.

[Panama] It seems like Moto Freestyle is waiting, or should I say NEEDS, something big to
happen. Do you think The Clutch could be the answer?
[Rainman] The Clutch has the ear of the networks at this point. The networks have great advertising affiliates. The Clutch could bring those affiliates together to invest in a promotional program that COULD launch the sport, given that the correct staff is in place to guide and direct the program. The program must focus on TV programs, must be entertaining to watch, must include the motorcycle industry manufacturers, and must provide adequate funding for the riders for them to commit to the program.

There are so many good options for this sport. The best thing for the sport would be a dedicated, no-nonsense staff that can drive it in the direction of success, on their own terms. But without proper funding... it will be hard to make it happen. The motorcycle industry is all about paying dues. Most of the young riders out there right now want something for nothing. Others are willing to keep their head down, pay their dues and continue to make good contacts. There are a few riders that are on my "short list" that know the score, and do shows for me around the country. They have taken my input seriously and have set a course for themselves. They have sponsors, events, and are included in any event that I can coordinate for them. My "boyz" include: Ronnie & Ryan – “Team DV8”, Nick & Matt – “ScooterTrash”, Teach & Chauncey –“ Core 6”, Mark & Jeff – “MotoPsychoZ”, Joe & Chris – “Vertical Outlaws”, Scott & Kevin – “Star Boyz”, Corey & Dan – “dAces”, Johnny & Grant – “KC's Most Wanted”, Anthony – “TonyD Freestyle”, Darius Khashabi – “SBF Freaks”, Dustin Apgar – “Somethangfierce”, and of course Thew Blankstrom – “1096” and Dan Jackson – “Team XMX”. These guys stand by me and are important in the future of this sport.

The 2004 Team Jordan Promo Reel (filmed & edited by Bullystyle Racing)

Check Out The Team Jordan 2007 Footage.

On A Personal Note...

[Panama] People always ask me if I am from Panama because my nickname is Panama. By the way, the answer is no. The next logical question is asked, “How did you get the name Panama?” Okay, you have got to hip me to this…How did you get the nickname "Rainman"?
[Rainman] LOL!!! It's two-fold. The first was the reason that I always went very fast in the rain. There are only a couple of races that I remember that I did not win in the rain. Two were at Road Atlanta (old configuration) where I crashed twice while leading, and won 4 other events that weekend, and the CCS Race of Champions at Daytona where I came from the 3rd wave (of almost 80 bikes) in 5 laps to finish 8th. So "Rainman" referred to me always winning races in the rain. The second is the fact that I am normally very detail oriented. I gather data, and when it gets messed up, or is not organized correctly, I used to (and probably still do) act like the Dustin Hoffman movie character "Rainman".
[Panama] How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck couldn't chuck wood?
[Rainman] I will have to defer to my friends in Portland for that question. I will let you know. If I had to guess, I would venture to say that if a wood chuck could in fact chuck wood, he would chuck about 2 cords a day.
[Panama] Would you agree that Star Wars is the greatest movie of all time? If not, what is?
[Rainman] For a period of time I would have agreed that Star Wars (and it's follow up sequels) was the best movie of all time. However I have seen some pretty inspirational movies. My favorites would include: Rudy (about a Notre Dame football player Rudy Rudiger), Forrest Gump (a simple Alabama boy who never made life too complicated), and Miracle (about the 1984 US Olympic hockey team). There were good lessons to be learned from all of them about dedication, commitment, team work, and never giving up on yourself.
[Panama] Yea, but did Rudy have a light saber?
[Panama] (trying to use the Jedi mind trick on Ken)…”You WILL love Star Wars… I am your father.”
[Panama] Is it just me? Or does J.Lo have a big head, literally?
[Rainman] If so, it matches her other A$$ets.
[Panama] You do have a point there. I hear Celine Dion has no A$$ets. She must be FLAT broke.
[Panama] Do you think that "The Artist FORMERLY Known as Prince" who is actually "The
Artist PRESENTLY Known as Prince", wears lace boxer briefs?
[Rainman] I have always believed that he wears anything that you could find in a couture women's undergarment department.
[Panama] What are the chances of Phil Knight giving me a Nike riding boot endorsement deal?
[Rainman] Slim to none today... and Slim is out of town. Let's talk Jordan boot deal... j/k
[Panama] For real?!!!...dag, man.
[Panama] Have you ever thought about getting into the movies, or at least a rap career?
[Rainman] You wanna make me a movie star? I'm all for it. But just so you know... in real life, I never get the girl. I was an announcer for 3 years... does that come close to rap? I'm a great MC!
[Panama] Not really rap, but I guess that does make you a MC. Keep that UNDERGROUND. Besides, the way rap music is today, anyone can do it! All you need is a gold chain and/or teeth, weed, and some scantly clad women dancing around you and your squad 24/7. Oh and let’s not forget the most important part…Be sure to murder oh, let’s say about 35 people on a regular basis, without leaving any forensic evidence behind to get caught. Obviously, no rap career is complete without this.
[Panama] How many bikes do you have now? What are they?
[Rainman] I have a '99 Honda XR100 that I bought for training, to use as a pit-bike, and to teach my wife how to ride. I also have a '81 Honda CX500 Deluxe. You will have to look that one up. My dad bought it in '84 with 1000 miles on it for about $1000. It still only has about 6500 miles on it and it has been kept inside covered up the entire time... so it's in mint condition.
[Panama] What's your favorite food?
[Rainman] I love pizza…Could eat it every day. I like eating at the "Y" too. Figure that one out...
[Panama] Aww man, you got me on that one….the “Y”?…hmmm (thinking). That doesn’t have anything to do with The Village People, does it? Oh, I get it. You pimp you.
[Panama] Hey, I’m a people person and I love conversation. Sometimes people do tend to get on my nerves. You're a pretty "Laid Back" kind of guy though. I peeped that when we were at the club in Daytona...Are you always like this?
[Rainman] Pretty much... it takes a lot to get me worked up (mad). I really get psyched up at pro road race events though... hard to beat Superbike racing a few feet away from you, while sliding both ends, at over 120 mph! The way to get me revved up is it to get me to the races. But normally, I'm pretty calm and collected. I can have someone yelling at me for something stupid, and it doesn't faze me. I just answer them back in a very low calm tone... it throws them off. They want you to fight with them, so it frustrates them when I don't get upset. Plus, the calmer you are under pressure... the more time you have to think about the situation and react with a clearer head.
[Panama] Now that’s wassup!!! Obi Juan “KENobi”

Team Jordan General Manager, Ken Abbott (filmed & edited by Bullsytle Racing)

Check out the Team Jordan website and tell Ken that Panama sent you...

~~<<< Panama >>>~~

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Men Rule!

We always hear "The Rules" from the female side. Now, here are the rules from the male side...

These are OUR rules

*Please note...these are all numbered "1" ON PURPOSE!

1. Breasts are for looking at and that is why we do it. Don't try to change that.

1. Learn to work the toilet seat. You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down. We need it up, you need it down. You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down.

1. Saturday = Sports. It's like the full moon or the changing of the tide. Let it be.

1. *Shopping is NOT a sport. And no, we are never going to think of it that way.

1. *Cryings is blackmail.

1. *Ask for what you want. Let us be clear on this one:
*Subtle hints do not work!
*Strong hints do not work!
*Obvious hints do not work!

1. *"Yes" and "No" are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question.

1. *Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That's what we do. Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.

1. *A headache that lasts for 17 months is a problem. See a doctor.

1. *Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument. In fact, all comments become null and void after 7 days.

1. *If you think you're fat, you probably are. Don't ask us.

1. *If something we said can be interpreted two ways, and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one.

1. *You can either ask us to do something or tell us how you want it done...
*Not both
*If you already know best how to do it, just do it yourself.

1. *Whenever possible, please say whatever you have to say during commercials.

1. *Christopher Columbus did not need directions and neither do we.

1. *ALL men see in only 16 colors, like Windows default settings.
*Peach, for example, is a fruit, not a color. Pumpkin is also a fruit.
*We have no idea what mauve is.

1. *If it itches, it will be scratched. We do that.

1. *If we ask what is wrong and you say "nothing", we will act like nothing's wrong. We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the hassle.

1. *If you ask a question you don't want an aswers to, expect an answer you don't want to hear.

1. *When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear is fine, really.

1. *Don't ask us what we're thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as:
-Sports, or

1. *You have enough clothes.

1. *You have way too many shoes.

1. *I am in shape. Round is a shape.

Thank you for reading this; Yes, I know, I'll have to sleep on the couch tonight, but did you know men really don't mind that, it's like camping.

Friday, October 19, 2007

US Healthcare Needs Major Surgery

It's about 5:30pm and I just hopped the train. I'm sick. Not physically sick, thank God, but emotionally and mentally sick (even though I feel the mudd butts coming on from eating that McDonald's). You know the type of sickness that you get when you find out that Santa isn't real or Aunt Danielle use to be Uncle Dan? I'd say its more like a "shock" rather than a sickness. I had been reading up on how bad the US healthcare system has been. What brought this on was the new spotlight being shed on the NFLPU (National Football League Player's Union). In particular, their treatment of veteran and injured players having had their insurance claims denied by the Union for no legitimate reason. I won't get into that now because that's an entirely different can of worms. Anyway, while researching some articles on the internet, I came across the entire documentary put together by Michael Moore about the US healthcare system called "Sicko". How ironic?! I sat there and watched the whole thing for FREE. I was BLOWN. Our healthcare system is such an effin' sham. I encourage you to watch the clip. Yo, I found my emotions going from shock and disbelief to anger and really feeling screwed by the government.

I have a close friend that visits the doctor a lot. We sometimes joke about how she is falling apart. I never let on or let her know that I worry about her in that regard. I think to myself, "What if she were my wife and had to visit the doctor like she does now? As a small business owner with a health insurance plan, what would my healthcare premiums be for her, myself and kids? What stupid claims would they inconveniently deny? How big of a bill would they hit us over the head with should major surgery be required?" So those questions led to the most important question of them all..."How do you win a game that you are already predisposed to lose? Hmmm...I thought about it long and hard until the obvious answer became clear...How do you win a a game that you are already predisposed to lose? You cheat...Cheat like a muthaphukka!!! Its time to wake up and get your hustle on, people. The american system obviously isn't gonna give it to you. I no longer think of the U.S. as the land of the free. It has become the land of the FEE. How in the hell can a country rich in resources that we steal from other countries rank #37 in world healthcare ratings? Costa Rica is ranked #36 and Slovenia is ranked #38. Our healthcare system is only one position or so from "CUBA". Yes that's right. The mighty mighty United States has a healthcare system that is equivalent to a fuckin' cigar making "Third World" country. On average, the poorest people in London will live at least three years longer than the richest people in the US.

So now what do we do? Move to Canada, France, or Great Britian? I don't know. When it comes to the well being of my family nothing is ever ruled out. Other than that, I'm just gonna represent CORSA to the fullest and sell this hot street shyt to you guys until I amass a small fortune that will cover my family doctor's mercedes payments and private wine collection. Isn't that the american way? If I can't get what I need for 'me and mine' by performing these "legal" armed robberies, I'll be doing a foreign exchange of catch phrases from "God Bless America" to "God Save The Queen", that's my word.

***Watch the "SiCKo" Movie by clicking on the "SiCKO" movie pic below***

July 10th, 2007 12:19 am
'SiCKO' Truth Squad Sets CNN Straight

[In response to Dr. Sanjay Gupta's biased reporting on 'SiCKO' during the July 8th, 2007 broadcast of... The Situation Room (VIDEO)]

DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN: "(Moore says) the United States slipped to number 37 in the world's health care systems. It's true. ... Moore brings a group of patients, including 9/11 workers, to Cuba and marvels at their free treatment and quality of care. But hold on - that WHO list puts Cuba's health care system even lower than the United States, coming in at #39."


"But hold on?" 'SiCKO' clearly shows the WHO list, with the United States at number #37, and Cuba at #39. Right up on the screen in big five-foot letters. It's even in the trailer! CNN should have its reporter see his eye doctor. The movie isn't hiding from this fact. Just the opposite:

CNN hides the facts on Cuba

But 'SiCKO' puts the facts right up front

The fact that the healthcare system in an impoverished nation crippled by our decades-old blockade (including medical supplies and drugs) ranks so closely to ours is more an indictment of the American system than the Cuban system.
Although Cuba ranks lower overall than the United States, it still has a lower infant mortality rate and longer life span. (see below)
And unlike the United States, Cuba offers healthcare to absolutely everyone. In an independent Gallup poll conducted in Cuba, "a near unanimous 96 percent of respondents say that health care in Cuba is accessible to everyone." ("Cubans Show Little Satisfaction with Opportunities and Individual Freedom Rare Independent Survey Finds Large Majorities Are Still Proud of Island's Health Care and Education," January 10, 2007.

CNN: "Moore asserts that the American health care system spends $7,000 per person on health. Cuba spends $25 dollars per person. Not true. But not too far off. The United States spends $6,096 per person, versus $229 per person in Cuba."


According to our own government – the Department of Health and Human Services' National Health Expenditures Projections – the United States will spend $7,092 per capita on health in 2006 and $7,498 in 2007. (Department of Health and Human Services Center for Medicare and Medicaid Expenditures, National Health Expenditures Projections 2006-2016.
As for Cuba – Dr. Gupta and CNN need to watch 'SiCKO' first before commenting on it. 'SiCKO' says Cuba spends $251 per person on health care, not $25, as Gupta reports. And the BBC reports that Cuba's per capita health expenditure is… $251! (Keeping Cuba Healthy, BBC, Aug. 1 2006. ) This is confirmed by the United Nations Human Development Report, 2006. Yup, Cuba spends $251 per person on health care. ( As Gupta points out, the World Health Organization does calculate Cuba's per capita health expenditure at $229 per person. We chose to use the UN numbers, a minor difference - and $229 is a lot closer to $251 than $25.

CNN: In fact, Americans live just a little bit longer than Cubans on average.


Just the opposite. The 2006 United Nations Human Development Report's human development index states the life expectancy in the United States is 77.5 years. It is 77.6 years in Cuba. (Human Development Report 2006, United Nations Development Programme, 2006 at 283.

CNN: The United States ranks highest in patient satisfaction.


True, but even when the WHO took patient satisfaction into account in its comprehensive review of the world's health systems, we still came in at #37. ("World Health Organization Assesses The World's Health Systems," Press Release, WHO/44, June 21, 2000. ).
Patients may be satisfied in America, but not everyone gets to be a patient. 47 million are uninsured and are rarely patients - until it's too late. In the rest of the Western world, everyone and anyone can be a patient because everyone is covered. (And don't face exclusions for pre-existing conditions, co-pays, deductibles, and costly monthly premiums).
It's not that other countries are unhappy with their health care – for example, "70 to 80 percent of Canadians find their waiting times acceptable." ("Access to health care services in Canada, Waiting times for specialized services (January to December 2005)," Statistics Canada, )

CNN: Americans have shorter wait times than everyone but Germans when seeking non-emergency elective procedures, like hip replacement, cataract surgery, or knee repair.


This isn't the whole truth. CNN pulled out a statistic about elective procedures. Of the six countries surveyed in that study (United States, Canada, New Zealand, UK, Germany, Australia) only Canada had longer waiting times than America for sick adults waiting to schedule a doctor's appointment for a medical problem. 81% of patients in New Zealand got a same or next-day appointment for a non-routine visit, 71% in Britain, 69% in Germany, 66% in Australia, 47% in the U.S., and 36% in Canada. (The Doc's in, but It'll be AWhile. Catherine Arnst, Business Week. June 22, 2007
"Gerard Anderson, a Johns Hopkins health policy professor who has spent his career examining the world's healthcare, said there are delays, but not as many as conservatives state. In Canada, the United Kingdom and France, 'three percent of hospital discharges had delays in treatment,' Anderson told The Miami Herald. 'That's a relatively small number, and they're all elective surgeries, such as hip and knee replacement.' (John Dorschner, "'SiCKO' film is set to spark debate; Reformers are gearing up for 'Sicko,' the first major movie to examine America's often maligned healthcare system," Miami Herald, June 29, 2007.)
One way America is able to achieve decent waiting times is that it leaves 47 million people out of the health care system entirely, unlike any other Western country. When you remove 47 million people from the line, your wait should be shorter. So why is the U.S. second to last in wait times?
And there are even more Americans who keep themselves out of the system because of cost - in the United States, 24 percent of the population did not get medical care due to cost. That number is 5 percent in Canada, and 3 percent in the UK. (Inequities in Health Care: A Five-Country Survey. Robert Blendon et al, Health Affairs. Exhibit 5.

CNN: (PAUL KECKLEY-Deloitte Health Care Analyst): "The concept that care is free in France, in Canada, in Cuba - and it's not. Those citizens pay for health services out of taxes. As a proportion of their household income, it's a significant number … (GUPTA): It's true that the French pay higher taxes, and so does nearly every country ahead of the United States on that list."


'SiCKO' never claims that health care is provided absolutely for free in other countries, without tax contributions from citizens. Former MP Tony Benn reads from the NHS founding pamphlet, which explicitly states that "this is not a charity. You are paying for it mainly as taxpayers." 'SiCKO' also acknowledges that the French are "drowning in taxes." Comparatively, many Americans are drowning in insurance premiums, deductibles, co-pays and medical debt and the resulting threat of bankruptcy – half of all bankruptcies in the United States are triggered by medical bills. (Medical Bills Make up Half of Bankruptcies. Feb. 2005, MSNBC.

CNN: "But even higher taxes don't guarantee the coverage everyone wants … (KECKLEY): 15 to 20 percent of the population will purchase services outside the system of care run by the government."


It's not clear what country Keckley is referring to. In the United Kingdom, only 11.5 percent of the population has supplementary insurance, but it doesn't take the place of NHS insurance. Nobody in France buys insurance that replaces government insurance either, although a substantial amount buys some form of complementary insurance. ( Private health insurance and access to health care in the European Union. Spring 2004.

CNN: "But no matter how much Moore fudged the facts, and he did fudge some facts…"

This is libel. There is not a single fact that is "fudged" in the film. No one has proven a single fact in the film wrong. We expect CNN to correct their mistakes on the air and to apologize to their viewers.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Darling Nikki

Thoughts are constantly running in and out of my head all day long. Things I have to do, things I want to do, and things that I’m not going to do usually take up the most space. After that, it’s just random thoughts and traces of absolute madness or sheer genius. From time to time I think about the people that are closest to me. This isn’t a tribute and no, she did not die, but I’d like to take the time and tell you about someone very special to me. Her name is Nicole Herrington, better known as Nikki or Nik. I met her about two and a half to three years ago and in that time we have grown to be the closest of friends. As a matter of fact, she is one of the top five females in my life. That’s saying a lot considering the fact that my mother and my daughter hold two of the coveted positions in my top five favorite/closest females.

What can I tell you about Nikki? She’s an enigma at times. She’s the friendliest person you will ever meet but she won’t trust you further than she can throw you. She’s a great mom, very loving but stern. It’s funny to listen to her discipline the kids while we are on the phone. She can switch from being Princess Lea to Lord Vader in the blink of an eye. She sounds like, uh…ME!!! She’s very well traveled, living in Japan and other locations. Nik is very cultured and artsty, being a wine, art and jazz lover. You can’t very well say you are artsy without being cultured in some sort of way can you? She has a Master’s degree in Medical Administration and will soon pursue her Phd. She held an A or B average in college. That is very impressive. What I like about her most is the fact that she is a follower as well as a leader. She’s a student as well as a teacher. She’s always willing to try new things. Being a model and having a fashion sense and shoe fetishes are pluses as well. We’ve gone through a lot, respectively, and we are both still here shining. Nicole keeps it real and I can keep it real with her. If she calls me while I am in the bathroom and on the throne shytt’n, she makes jokes about it. I’d say that we were pretty damn comfortable with each other.

Nikki knows me well as I know her well. She supports me and my career as I support her and her career. We’ve made mistakes and we have never judged each other on it. I may joke with her about it but the love is real. She doesn’t ask for anything but she gives great gifts. If there were one thing that I could change about her what would it be? I don’t know. Maybe I’d change the fact that she’s so very well spoken that sometimes I am able to catch her at a loss for words. I would want her to find those words. My wish for her is to continue to get back what she lost (she knows what I am talking about) so the 2008 version can experience Starr before the transformation almost 13 years ago. Don’t let ANYTHING stop you from getting it back. Restore that Starr from 1976. I’d really like to see what it looks like first hand after you make your move. I see some of it starting to come back to you now. Keep it moving.

Soooo, I’d like to propose a toast (holding up my Pepsi can) to Nikki…A woman with a heart of gold, a dog like Cujo, and a bright future ahead of her. She's my heart, my soul, my friend, my damn shirt!!! (I just spilled Pepsi on it)


Monday, October 15, 2007

Keep Your Shirt On

People have been asking when the CORSA t-shirts will be available. We're working on it man. We've got some nice designs. I'll post some of them later on. Here's a couple of pics for our standard t-shirt samples. To the curious...I salute you!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Lemony Snicket

I had a little bit of time to kill this morning so I decided to watch a movie. The movie of choice you ask? Eh, Lemony Snicket’s “A Series of Unfortunate Events”. I bought the DVD a while ago for the kids but I watch it too, for real. Jim Carey plays the villainous Count Olaf, WELL. Dude is fun-ny. It’s strange how some of the craziest things can make you think about your own life in general. The characters definitely went through a series of unfortunate events but at the end, justice was served, all wrongs were right, and everyone lived happily ever after. I believe the message that the movie was sending is no matter how many things go wrong, other things turn out right. There’s definitely a balance point somewhere. We never know what’s around the corner and we can’t see what’s being worked for us or what’s been done on our behalf. I believe that I never know what will happen in my favor. On Saturday, Sunday, Monday, I felt like I was just shytt’d on (cause I was). Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday I am on top of the world, in sense. This is Panama's reasoning why…”Nothing takes your mind off of an unfortunate event better than a consecutive series of fortune events.”

-Take that, Take that, Take that (Dancin' like Puff)

My Personal Official Blog Disclaimer

My fellow citizens,

Let me start this blog by saying that I do not write these blogs for your therapy. Writing these blogs is intended to be therapeutic for ME. I normally don’t write them with anyone particular in mind, honestly. I mostly write about situations or things that I have noticed after experiencing them personally and others are just observations of other people's experiences. I often write them on some boring day and might not even post it until days, weeks or months later. I am saying this because I don’t want people thinking that I wrote/write a certain blog(s) about them because after reading, it may closely match up to their situation or point of view. There is a method to my madness. After reading a post and you feel the glove does indeed fit, I cannot acquit. If the glove doesn't fit, you get to go home like O.J., alrighty? Eh, chances are I really “am” talking about you though. Just keep in mind that the chances are pretty slim to none.


I Found The One For Me

I was in a discussion with a lady friend of mine about relationships. To be specific, we were talking about “Soul Mates” or “The One”. I know that we have all met that one special person a dozen times or so and thought they were “The One”. After being in a countless number of relationships (long term, short term, and over-nighters), I have come to realize a couple of things. As far as “The One” is concerned, there is no “The One”. The world is too big and there are too many people in it for there to be just ONE magical person. That only happens in the movies. In real life, I feel that there is a lot more than one, “The One”. There are probably more like 1,000 “The Ones”, so in actuality “The One” is who you decide to make “The One”. The odds of crossing paths with TWO, “The Ones” at the same time may vary but it does happen. Decisions about love shouldn’t be based on love at all. It has to be based on "T & A"...tolerance and assets. Love comes into play later on. Love don’t mean shyt, for real.

I now look at relationships like a business. It’s a partnership. Anybody interested in being in a business has to bring something to the table. You can't come to the table empty handed. You have to have some sort of asset, whether you can cook, clean, you have education, and/or have the potential to make money even if you are not making it now. But for a chick or a guy to not have a job, her own place, a car, goals, or whatever you would deem an good asset would simply be a bad partnership. Nobody has to have all of her assets in order, just the potential. Some assets can make up for the lack of others. I can't let "LOVE" blind the real fact that tolerance and assets play the most important role. You can't partner up with a bad business partner in the real world and you sure can't partner with a person you have no patience for and doesn't bring anything to the table in a relationship.

Outside of love, vibe, butterflies, and all that romantic shyt, all relationships boil down to tolerance. The adage, “Opposites Attract”, applies to magnets ONLY, not people. Everybody has their own quirks and issues. That goes for EVERY MAN and EVERY WOMAN. So with that being said, it's a matter of who has the LEAST amount of issues or who has issues and quirks that you are willing to tolerate and deal with. Screw love. I may love you but can't deal with your issues or the way you do things. I might not be able to tolerate the fact that you sleep with the lights on or something crazy like that. On the other hand, I may love some other chick and can tolerate the fact that she wants to push the shopping cart while we are in the store or I might be able to deal with the issues she has with not liking big dogs. Digest on that and think about it. One times one doesn’t amount to “The One”.

-MR. W.T.F.

A Super Hero

I’ve noticed that they have been making a lot of comic book heroes into feature films lately. These super heroes possess some super human power or characteristic that sets them apart from mortal man. As much as they try to live normal lives they can never escape the fact that they are who they are, underneath the seemingly obvious disguises. I often wonder why they do not make real super heroes that real people can relate to like, “Bad Credit Man”, here to restore credit for mail ordering to all the universe. He fights against THE BIG THREE on our daily planet better known as The Bureaus. Or what about lightning fast “Lush Lady, The Super Drinker”…Tossing down the hooch faster than a speeding liver transplant. She’d have two sidekicks. One sidekick is named just that, “Sidekick”. She posses the ability to continuously flip the screen on that fuckin’ sidekick toy phone telepathically to see “Where da part-tay at?”. Her partner is no other than the “Good Time Girl”. She’s able to magically appear in any given club’s VIP, uninvited. With one blast of the mystical fu-fu dust to the face of her victim, they’ll sleep with her and not even bother to call her afterwards. No celebrity, athlete, or fashion designer is immune to her powers.

I can’t relate to being faster than a speeding bullet or bending steel with my bare hands. I can, however, relate to road rage so why not make a hero called, “Road Rage”? There’s no disguise needed for road rage right? When you are disrespected while sitting behind the wheel, it makes you mad. Can’t you feel the adrenaline rushing your veins as you are getting stronger? “Bastard cut me off”, you’d say to yourself while putting your foot on the gas. Pull up to the window of the other driver and flash them the super secret road rage signal with your middle finger. Why not? In most cases it’s just as effective as using the bat signal. Um, you know what? I forgot where I was going with this story. So uh, reach deep down inside, use your super human brain power and draw any conclusion from this story that you want. I’m “Tapped Out” man.

-Pan Man

Worth A Thousand Words?

A picture is worth a thousand words. Seeing that same person live (video) or in the flesh is only worth two words. Those two words are either “Hell Yea!!!” or “Hell No!!!” I’ve been dealing with models for the last five years or so. Some come and go while others are very close and personal friends of mine to this day. Most are very unreliable and the few that I call “my pals” have always remained on point. During my stint as a model recruiter for various projects from Capitol Cuties to Funk Flex/King Magazine model search, I’m always flooded with pictures. The funny thing about that is most pics look pretty good especially with the advent of Adobe’s Photoshop. Yes, Photoshop is one of the best software packages known to mankind. It can turn an ugly duckling into a swan. It can work in your favor but it can also work against you. I’m an avid Photoshop user. I’ve processed plenty-o-pics before, removing stretch marks, cellulite, acne, bags under the eyes, adding airbrush for that magical doll baby look and I’ve even shrank some waist lines. In my experience I have learned a couple of things: People rarely look exactly like their pictures. They either look better than their pictures or they look worst than their pictures. Photoshop has worked against me in this situation. I’ve gone to meet up with chicks based on a picture only to be disappointed when seeing the real thing. Has this ever happened to anyone? ...Ladies? ...Gents? So now I’m forced to sit through a brief introduction and conversation about their lives and experience in modeling, while simultaneously trying not to make it look so obvious that I am staring at her “man hands”, those extra pounds and spare tire in the waste line that magically seemed to have grown overnight, or the ever elusive “perfect skin” that seemed to have mutated back into blemishes and blotches in the blink of an eye. I always end these meetings with a sigh of relief because these are not my dates or my love interests, only models that I will probably never see again in life. Weaves, colored eye contacts, cat-like fingernails, tons of make-up, irritating high squeaking cartoon-like voices, bad wigs, bad breath, clothing three sizes too big or three sizes too small, bodies three sizes too big or three sizes too small, amazons, midgets, extremely large breasts with flat asses or extremely large asses with flat breasts, coke bottle glasses, hairy chins, beards, mustaches, skin craters, moles, hairy moles, witchie pooh moles on the end of your nose, no fashion sense, no common sense, overly sensitive, over dressed, under dressed, over worked, under paid, bad lisps, stutters, ghetto and loud as f**k, chipped tooth, a chip on her shoulder, horny as hell, celibate, jealous boyfriend, bad relationships, butchy girl lovers, kids, no kidding, no bra, no panties, no douche, no duh, yellow teeth, cheap perfume, fake diamonds, fake furs, $2 sunshades, fake gold chains, chain smokers, weed abusers, lushes, intervention worthy alcoholics, good time girls, big boned-ed, newbies, vets, teacher’s pets, emotional wrecks, and extremely dry skin are among the choice props of the circus-like misfits that have crossed my path. I often reach the point that I get fed up with meeting these misfires in person, but I try to keep in mind that very phrase, “Some people look better than pics and some look worst”. Normally the people that I think look average in their pics actually look better than their pics. Reversely, the people that look hella fine in their pictures turn out to be “not so hot” in real life. Adding insult to injury is the fact that those same people have the most problems, whether it be mental, social, or just their lives in general. There are exceptions to that rule, of course. I mean, what is a rule without exceptions? Molds and rules are broken on a daily basis. I recently visited someone who looked cute in her pics but looked better than her pics in person. I actually found myself saying, “dayum” when I saw her. Pictures can’t account for height to weight ratios, measurements, and a dozen other things, namely personality. You can’t watch a person’s walk or the way they carry themselves by looking at a flick. Subtle nuances and the proverbial poetry in motion are missed in still photography. I had another friend whom I had not met in person at the time introduce me to some new online webcam/IM service. As a model, her pics were always on point. I use to wonder if she looked as good as her pics in real life. After seeing her on the webcam, I realized that her pics were no fluke. She was the real deal. Now that I think about it, she actually looked better than her photos...Picture that.


I'm Back From ATL

Recently, I went to Atlanta again for a little rest and relaxation, you know, ye ole mental break. Originally the trip was supposed to be business based. I opted not to tell members of my family that I would be in Georgia because my family is a close knit family. They can take up so much of your time. They’ll want to drag you off to some distant cousin four times removed and show them how tall you are. I still love them but “iowno”, I just didn’t feel like being bothered, youknowhatimean? Although I am a true hip-hopper many people know that I am a contemporary jazz lover as well, so I had my boy Jicasso set something up so we could hit a jazz spot on that Friday. I like checking out jazz clubs in other cities especially if the atmosphere is on point which reminds me: I need to see who’s coming to the Birchmere or Blues Alley this month (mental note).

Never one to be with an additional plan, my boy Amiss told me that he would be down in ATL at the exact same time that I would be there. What are the odds? Son rolls with those cats from So So Def (Jermaine Dupri’s record label). He was on the VIP list for some So So Def event and would get me and mine in on the VIP thing too. Man is it good to have friends all over. True, I don’t really care about celebs or the VIP list. This was just more of an opportunity to hang out with my boy. I also had a chance to chill and vibe with my girl Quin. Her friend Tonica and Tonica’s 11 year old brother, Terrell, were cool as hell. I had other things on my agenda for but ended up just blowing them off and relaxing with my friend.

If you are looking to read some deep meaning within this episode you won’t find it. There’s no punch line or case n’ point. I was just chillin with my folk in ATL. That’s about the size of it.
