
Saturday, October 13, 2007

I Found The One For Me

I was in a discussion with a lady friend of mine about relationships. To be specific, we were talking about “Soul Mates” or “The One”. I know that we have all met that one special person a dozen times or so and thought they were “The One”. After being in a countless number of relationships (long term, short term, and over-nighters), I have come to realize a couple of things. As far as “The One” is concerned, there is no “The One”. The world is too big and there are too many people in it for there to be just ONE magical person. That only happens in the movies. In real life, I feel that there is a lot more than one, “The One”. There are probably more like 1,000 “The Ones”, so in actuality “The One” is who you decide to make “The One”. The odds of crossing paths with TWO, “The Ones” at the same time may vary but it does happen. Decisions about love shouldn’t be based on love at all. It has to be based on "T & A"...tolerance and assets. Love comes into play later on. Love don’t mean shyt, for real.

I now look at relationships like a business. It’s a partnership. Anybody interested in being in a business has to bring something to the table. You can't come to the table empty handed. You have to have some sort of asset, whether you can cook, clean, you have education, and/or have the potential to make money even if you are not making it now. But for a chick or a guy to not have a job, her own place, a car, goals, or whatever you would deem an good asset would simply be a bad partnership. Nobody has to have all of her assets in order, just the potential. Some assets can make up for the lack of others. I can't let "LOVE" blind the real fact that tolerance and assets play the most important role. You can't partner up with a bad business partner in the real world and you sure can't partner with a person you have no patience for and doesn't bring anything to the table in a relationship.

Outside of love, vibe, butterflies, and all that romantic shyt, all relationships boil down to tolerance. The adage, “Opposites Attract”, applies to magnets ONLY, not people. Everybody has their own quirks and issues. That goes for EVERY MAN and EVERY WOMAN. So with that being said, it's a matter of who has the LEAST amount of issues or who has issues and quirks that you are willing to tolerate and deal with. Screw love. I may love you but can't deal with your issues or the way you do things. I might not be able to tolerate the fact that you sleep with the lights on or something crazy like that. On the other hand, I may love some other chick and can tolerate the fact that she wants to push the shopping cart while we are in the store or I might be able to deal with the issues she has with not liking big dogs. Digest on that and think about it. One times one doesn’t amount to “The One”.

-MR. W.T.F.

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