
Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Darling Nikki

Thoughts are constantly running in and out of my head all day long. Things I have to do, things I want to do, and things that I’m not going to do usually take up the most space. After that, it’s just random thoughts and traces of absolute madness or sheer genius. From time to time I think about the people that are closest to me. This isn’t a tribute and no, she did not die, but I’d like to take the time and tell you about someone very special to me. Her name is Nicole Herrington, better known as Nikki or Nik. I met her about two and a half to three years ago and in that time we have grown to be the closest of friends. As a matter of fact, she is one of the top five females in my life. That’s saying a lot considering the fact that my mother and my daughter hold two of the coveted positions in my top five favorite/closest females.

What can I tell you about Nikki? She’s an enigma at times. She’s the friendliest person you will ever meet but she won’t trust you further than she can throw you. She’s a great mom, very loving but stern. It’s funny to listen to her discipline the kids while we are on the phone. She can switch from being Princess Lea to Lord Vader in the blink of an eye. She sounds like, uh…ME!!! She’s very well traveled, living in Japan and other locations. Nik is very cultured and artsty, being a wine, art and jazz lover. You can’t very well say you are artsy without being cultured in some sort of way can you? She has a Master’s degree in Medical Administration and will soon pursue her Phd. She held an A or B average in college. That is very impressive. What I like about her most is the fact that she is a follower as well as a leader. She’s a student as well as a teacher. She’s always willing to try new things. Being a model and having a fashion sense and shoe fetishes are pluses as well. We’ve gone through a lot, respectively, and we are both still here shining. Nicole keeps it real and I can keep it real with her. If she calls me while I am in the bathroom and on the throne shytt’n, she makes jokes about it. I’d say that we were pretty damn comfortable with each other.

Nikki knows me well as I know her well. She supports me and my career as I support her and her career. We’ve made mistakes and we have never judged each other on it. I may joke with her about it but the love is real. She doesn’t ask for anything but she gives great gifts. If there were one thing that I could change about her what would it be? I don’t know. Maybe I’d change the fact that she’s so very well spoken that sometimes I am able to catch her at a loss for words. I would want her to find those words. My wish for her is to continue to get back what she lost (she knows what I am talking about) so the 2008 version can experience Starr before the transformation almost 13 years ago. Don’t let ANYTHING stop you from getting it back. Restore that Starr from 1976. I’d really like to see what it looks like first hand after you make your move. I see some of it starting to come back to you now. Keep it moving.

Soooo, I’d like to propose a toast (holding up my Pepsi can) to Nikki…A woman with a heart of gold, a dog like Cujo, and a bright future ahead of her. She's my heart, my soul, my friend, my damn shirt!!! (I just spilled Pepsi on it)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your other buddy is hot too.